I did move my blog over from Wordpress to blogger. Because all one month old blogs with 8 posts do that..... I figure its better to do so now, early on, before things get really rolling. I do not have the patience to move more than 8 posts over. Copying and pasting gets old fast. So does changing dated on the new format.
Everything is pretty much the same except for the part of the URL that comes after the dot. Everything's just a little more personalised. After making my blog on Wordpress, I noticed a lot of people use blogger. Probably because the widgets on the side are more cooperative here. Who knows. I think I made a good choice. What do you think? Comment below!
In other news, while I was transferring the blog over, I watched Arrested Development endlessly. I saw it was being revived on Netflix and it has a great cast so I figured I'd try it out. This show is insane. So freaking hilarious! I've been going back and forth between AD and Hemlock Grove (a Netflix original, which Netflix did a great job on) on my phone and my neotv set-top box. It's taken awhile because the set-top box needs to reload every 5 minutes it seems like so I'm still on season 1 of AD. But I have like two more episodes of HG left so I'm doing good. Long story short, why did they ever cancel Arrested Development? I'm not complaining though. John Krasinski is in the new season so obviously everything worked out the way it did for a reason.
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